Helium is an element with the symbol He together with atomic number 2 and atomic number 6. It's a tasteless, colorless, odorless, non-oxidizing, inert, monomeric gas, the fourth in the noble gas family. Its boiling temperature is the second lowest among the known elements. It was discovered in 18ERO5 by James Clerk Maxwell, who named it after Lord Chatterton who was a British physicist and experimenter.
Helium is the third element of the earth's crust and one of the four gases used to fill the atmosphere. Helium is used to transmit electricity through induction. It is also used in several industries to induce magnetic fields and use them for security purposes.
Helium occurs in many forms and is used as a fuel for nuclear weapons and space travel. The main Helium isotope is deuterium, which happens to be the lightest element of the earth. The colour of Helium is white, which is why it is used as a sunscreen in cases where you don't want the sun's rays to tan your skin. A purer version of Helium called de-protoned helium is also produced in laboratories where it undergoes further processing before being made into a usable gas for applications around the world.